– Has this ever happened to you? What about this? That could be because youriPhone battery is old. Luckily, you can swap it outfor a brand-new one for really $29, and that will solve most of your problems, but Apple doesn’t always make it easy. Apple and other smartphonemakers use a engineering announced lithium ion for their batteries. It’s very good kind ofbattery for portable manoeuvres, but it gets a little worse over time. After two years or so, youriPhone battery can only hold about 80% of its original cost. Apple decided to manage thisproblem by intentionally slowing down older iPhonesso they would draw less influence and scaped random shutdowns, but there was one problem: Apple never told anyone it was doing this. So while useds noticedbetter battery life, they likewise noticed worse accomplishment. This has been a longstandingconspiracy theory about iPhones. Apple intentionally slowsit down to encourage you to buy a brand-new one. And it is about to change, that conspiracytheory was largely true. A site called Geekbenchnoticed that some older iPhone patterns were flowing slowerthan they should be.Apple finally admitted to whatit was doing and apologized. It likewise changed its batteryreplacement planned, sagging the price from $79 to merely $29. But it’s not that simple. Since Apple announced its newbattery replacement program, patrons have complainedthat they’ve gone to get their batteries measured, and Appletells them everything is fine. My colleague Jen was havingissues with her iPhone 6 battery life, so we made anappointment at an Apple Store here in New York City. So why was she having bad battery life? In Jen’s case, Apple said itwas likely due to the fact that she was using up mostof the storage on her iPhone. After that stay, Appleadded a new feature to iOS that lets user check thehealth of their artilleries on their own phones. We tried it and got aslightly better reading. When we went back to the Applestore, they said some apps were running in the background, compelling the battery to drain faster.They advocated removing thoseapps and redownloading them. This is another problem. Apple’s artillery exams maysay everything is fine, but that doesn’t is an indication inwhat the user is experiencing. Between those two stays, the Apple Geniuses couldn’t pinpoint the exact cause. The good report: Apple toldJen she could still get her battery superseded for time $29. The bad news: she’d haveto wait several weeks for that artillery substitution to come in. It’s in Apple’s best interestto make sure customers are refurbishing to brand-new, $700 iPhones instead of extending the life of their currentdevices with a brand-new $29 battery.About 2/3 of Apple’s revenuecomes from iPhone auctions, and Wall Street judgesthe company on how many iPhones it sells each quarter. On surpass of this, Apple’s beengiving purchasers fewer grounds to upgrade the iPhone each year. New iPhone sits have lookedthe same pretty much since 2014, and the iPhone 8d oesn’t have a lot in there to convince people toupgrade from the iPhone 7, and the iPhone X’s $1,000 price tag has turned a lot of people off from improving. Even though this process chimes ruffling, it’s actually better than alot of Apple’s contestants. Samsung, HTC, Motorola, and several other corporations have said they don’t intentionallyslow down their manoeuvres to preserve battery life, but they likewise don’t make it easy to replace it. It’s not like there’s aSamsung store you can walk into and get your battery replaced. You have to mail it in. I used to tell peopleto upgrade their iPhone every two years or so, butwith this battery replacement program, you can extend thelife by another two years. My advice: if you’rehaving bad battery life and performance, go into theApple store, pay that $29, get a new artillery, andyou’ll feel like you have a brand new iPhone .( appease music ).
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